Friday, January 7, 2011


Will was scheduled for several follow-up tests today. He had cardiology and neurology tests. These tests will help determine when Will can go home. CJ and Lyndsey have also arrived in Ann Arbor for the weekend. So, the Arny Family is all together - almost makes ya wanna break out in a rousing round of Kum By Yah doesn't it?! The girls were very happy to see their parents and their brother and will be a great help to Connie and Al. Will is starting to get the hang of the whole sucking thing so please continue to pray that he gets that down and doesn't have to go home with a feeding tube. Today they were also starting to fit Will for his carseat. They are using electrodes to help them determine where the seatbelt straps need to be placed to keep the straps from putting too much pressure on his incision. Man, so many things we have taken for granted that we will never take for granted again! Pray that Connie and Al are able to be attentive and alert for all the training they are receiving on how to care for Will at home.

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